
Riverbanks College B-12 dedicated bus services

Riverbanks College B-12 has six dedicated school bus services.

Students will need to be at their bus stop 5 minutes before the departing time.

Riverbanks College teachers will be providing supervision as students arrive to school and as students load on buses at the end of the day.

If you would like to register your child on one of our dedicated bus services, please email Kylie on .

Dedicated bus service Timetables
Adelaide Metro Bus Services

Riverbanks College has been working in partnership with the Adelaide Metro Bus Services to provide a bus services to families living in Angle Vale.

The Adelaide Metro Route 488 – Riverbanks to Davoren Park service is a dedicated Riverbanks Student Only bus service to and from Riverbanks College. The route laps around Angle Vale, allowing our students to access this service. (please see map below)

The last designated bus stop is Stop 89 Max Fatchen Drive (North Side) at 8.23am, from there it loops around Angle Vale before arriving at Riverbanks College at 8.30am.

Angle Vale students can stand anywhere along this loop and hail the bus, including locations such as Sneaky’s the OTR on Heaslip Road and the Fodder Store.

*To hail and ride the 488 bus, students must stand on the route and wave for the bus to stop. The 488 bus driver has been alerted that extra students will be using the bus route.

This bus service is not free of charge, all students will need to purchase a Metro Card. Metro Cards can be purchased at some newsagents/post offices for listing and further information about Metro Cards and Charging please click link Adelaide MetroCard – Adelaide Metro

For further information about the 488 Bus Route and to keep updated with timetable or road changers please click link Route 488 – Riverbanks College to Davoren Park

Adelaide Metro Bus Timetables

Using Adelaide Metro services to get to and from school helps kids build their independence and gives parents and carers flexibility. Visit Adelaide Metro’s travel to school website for safety tips on using public transport.


Route 488 – Riverbanks College to Davoren Park

Route 489 – Riverbanks College to Munno Para Centre Interchange

Route 490 – Riverbanks College to Elizabeth North