Riverbanks College B-12 > Years 2 to 6

Remote Learning - Years 2 to 6

At Riverbanks College B-12, we are committed to ensuring a positive start for all our students and ensuring the continuity of learning. Our remote learning model will provide access to learning resources and enable effective communication between teachers, students and families.

Remote Learning – a mix of learning materials will be used, supported by increasing online delivery, primarily via Microsoft Teams and SeeSaw

Routine and certainty are essential for the continuity of learning. We need to continue to work together as a community to ensure students stay connected and engaged with their learning.

All students will receive a ‘student learning’ pack that will be delivered to mailboxes on Tuesday 1 February. The student pack will contain information about how to set up Microsoft Teams and SeeSaw as well as learning materials. Set up information for Microsoft Teams and SeeSaw will be available on our website from Tuesday 1 February.

How we will communicate with families?

Our teachers will use the Seesaw app during the first 2 weeks of school to communicate with families regarding the learning program and logistics information. Families and carers can notify our staff regarding student concerns, absence, and student wellbeing.

How will students access learning from home?

Our teachers will deliver learning using Microsoft Teams. Teachers will use a combination of video conferencing and streaming to deliver explicit instruction to complement learning resources found in the student learning pack.

Students will be required to join their teacher online for 3×30 minute sessions per day for explicit teaching and instruction and then work independently throughout the day. Online times are outlined in the student timetable found in the student learning pack or on SeeSaw. Students can use the Microsoft Teams chat function to message the teacher throughout the day for assistance or asking of questions.


Our teachers will support learning from home by:

  • providing timetabled ‘lessons’ online 3 times each school day to check in, provide instruction and support student learning and wellbeing
  • providing detailed instructions enabling students to navigate through learning materials in the student learning pack.
  • uploading electronic resources, videos and web links to Microsoft Teams and will choose the most appropriate websites to support learning
  • supporting online support outside of timetabled lessons. During this time teachers will participate in collaborative online discussions and check for understanding using communication channels on Microsoft Teams. Teachers will endeavour to reply in a timely manner
  • communicating logistic and learning instruction to families via the SeeSaw app.

Our learners will take responsibility for their own learning by:

  • ensuring they are ‘online’ for their timetabled lessons, wearing their school uniform and engaging in the learning activities/resources provided
  • participate in online collaborative discussions using Microsoft Teams, acting respectfully to all members in the discussion
  • seeking support from teachers when required and being patient with replies
  • working in an open space area (not in bedroom) with no identifying or inappropriate items seen on screen
  • using respectful language and using the hands up icon to ask questions when online.

Families will support learning from home by:

  • ensuring their child/children has the required resources to participate in learning from home. Families can seek assistance by contacting the teacher using the SeeSaw app.
  • establishing clear routines and ensuring their child/children are online for their timetabled lesson, including breaks at scheduled times
  • communicating with teachers via SeeSaw when issues arise
  • monitoring the online safety of their child/children, visit https://www.esafety.gov.au/ for information.
What happens if I am required to work and cannot provide appropriate supervision?

Thank you to those families who have indicated that are required to work and do not have anyone who can supervise their children or have children in vulnerable situations. If your child displays any covid related symptoms please do not sent them to school.

In this case, students will receive their ‘student learning pack’ when they arrive at school. Students will be supervised by a member of staff, not their classroom teacher. The member of staff will assist them to connect online and access the learning materials

Students will be supervised by member of staff to work through the materials provided in the student packs and will access their program and classroom teacher in an online environment – the expectations listed above will still apply.

Students have supervised breaks as per our normal timetable. Students in year 2 to 6 will not have any contact with students in reception, year 1, year 7 or year 8.

Drop off and pick up will be at the front of building PLC4 (highlighted on attached map). Staff will meet and direct students to their supervision location, parents/caregiver(s) are not permitted to enter any school buildings. School operation times are the same, these can be found on our website, www.riverbankscollege.sa.edu.au , doors will open at 8:40am and dismissal time will be 3:10pm except on Wednesday where students are dismissed at 3:10pm.

Students in years 3 to 6 attending Riverbanks college B-12 are strongly encouraged to wear masks. All adults who come onto site, must wear a mask unless they have an exemption, which has been sited by the Principal.